Best Therapists
Join our therapist directory, Best Therapists—where we vet therapists so therapy-seekers can focus on fit, not quality.
What is Best Therapists?
Learn more about our therapist directory that was built to benefit private pay therapists.
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Why you should get verified with Best Therapists
Get clients (and bragging rights) with verification from Best Therapists.
Get clients
When we reach out marketing goals, get in front of high-quality potential clients every month without lifting a finger.
Experience exclusivity
On Best Therapists, you're one of five to six results—not thousands (like on the other directories).
Boosted reputation
Our verification process adds to your brand's credibility. Add our Best Therapists badge to your website!
Verified forever
Pay for a placement any time you need to top off your caseload. That means no more marketing headaches.
Full fee clients
We host an out-of-network mental health benefits checker so you can get your full fee, regardless of which insurance plan your dream clients have.
SEO benefits
Get a backlink from your very own Best Therapists profile page.
FAQs about Best Therapists
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The Best Therapists website is not HIPAA compliant, but communication between you and potential clients occurs over email (which for most therapists is HIPAA compliant).
At this time, Best Therapists costs is free!
To get verified with Best Therapists, you need to provide trauma-informed care, have an active therapy license, see 20 clients or less per week, have no problematic online reviews, and get reviews from three of your peers.